Designation in the UN list

Listing in the UN List (Proposal of Designation of a person in the UN List)
  • The NCTC proposes to the relevant United Nations Sanctions Committee to designate a person in the UN TFS List, in cases where it has reasonable grounds to doubt or believe that the person meets the designation criteria referred to in the relevant Security Council resolutions.
  • The proposal is to be made without prior notice to the person proposed to be listed. The decision to propose a designation is not conditional upon the existence of judicial proceedings in the Sultanate of Oman or any other country against the proposed designee.
  • The proposal for listing must use the special listing form provided and the procedures set out by the United Nations Security Council or the relevant Sanctions Committee and must include as much information as possible in the request related to the proposed designee, a statement of case and the details upon which the request is based. It must also specify whether the Sultanate of Oman may be identified as the requesting State or not.
  • In compliance to the NCTC Decision No. (1/2022), the Committee may collect and request information and data, deemed necessary, from any person or relevant authority in the Sultanate of Oman to determine whether it is necessary to propose any person to be listed in the UN list.
Criteria for Listing in the UN List

NCTC proposes listing of any person in UN List pursuant to the UNSCRs (1267, 1718, 1988, 1989, 2231), and all related subsequent resolutions, except the UNSCR (1373).

Measures resulting from the inclusion in the UN List
  • In case the UNSC/ Sanctions Committee decides to list the person in the UN List, the decision will be published in the UN website and therefore all FIs, DNFBPs, NPOs, and relevant authorities continuously follow the updates on the aforementioned website.
  • The NCTC shall, immediately and without any delay, notify all FIs, DNFBPs, NPOs, and relevant authorities with the listing decision in the UN List, and all these institutions shall take all measures to freeze funds and economic resources of the designee, and must undertake such freezing measures within 24 hours after a person is designated.